Year 5 boys are learning to improvise melodies using three notes. They have composed their own melodies and performed them to an accompaniment. Our next focus will be to write down the melodies composed.
Year 5MO have been busy learning how to safely use Bunsen Burners.
Year 5 have been creating brilliant sketches of pigeons based on the photographer Simon de Glanville’s work. He coaxes urban animals toward his fish eye camera lens with food.
Year 2 had their first ever lesson in the Art studio this week and made a great start by becoming detectives; observing patterns and intricate details on natural objects using magnifying glasses, inspired by the works of Angie Lewin.
Year 3 used torches to shine on apples to discover where the shadows would fall this week, as part of their observational drawing lesson.
Year 6 stared their topic on one point perspective this week! They have made a great start understanding vanishing points and showed shapes punching out of the page.
We have had a fantastic morning at the Haileybury STEM challenge with more creative problem solving challenges. The boys enjoyed the physics and maths challenges! They also enjoyed programming the robot!
We are now learning Chromatography, identifying metals using a bunsen burner and precipitation tests in the chemistry lab.
Congratulations to Leon G from Year 4 who won the KPSA’s cover competition with his Superhero design. Leon’s drawing will be used on the front cover of the programme for the Summer Fete and will appear on banners outside school. Well done to the other boys for taking part.
This week it was great to see such a fantastic Year 3 production and the boys individually and collectively put on a thoroughly enjoyable show. Well done to them and the teachers for the hard work that goes into events such as this.