11+ and 13+ Destination Schools
Here at Keble Prep we take seriously our responsibility in preparing pupils for their future school. The type of school we are means we really get to know a pupil’s character and academic potential. This allows us to work with parents in selecting the right school that will allow their child to flourish.
The day school market in this part of London is competitive but we have good relationships with many senior schools, and whether it be at 11+ or 13+ we work closely with a senior school to make sure the next step of a Keblian’s education is the right one.
For some pupils 11+ will be the right option but for most staying on into Year 8 is the right choice and they take advantage of the greater academic focus, small class sizes and leadership opportunities that are synonymous with a 13+ prep school.
Below is a table of entries into future schools recorded over the past few years.

For those pupils with a particular talent in a given area we would encourage them to look at the scholarship route and in the past, we have been successful in our pupils gaining academic, sports and all-rounder awards. Where our pupils go on to is testament to the quality of education on offer at Keble and the environment we have created here.
All pupils can grow, achieve and succeed.