Senior School Subject Examinations

End of Year examinations

Towards the end of the academic year, Year 5, 6, and 7 pupils take their GL assessments and end-of-year subject exams. These are timetabled in the same week, so all tests are completed within a short period rather than running over two or three weeks. The boys need only revise for their subject exams, not the GL assessments which are not curriculum-based.

Subject teachers set revision homework in the weeks leading up to the examinations, and lessons after half term are mainly revision lessons to help the pupils prepare.

However, some of you may wish to give further help to your child in preparation for the subject exams. Below are a few simple ideas which you could use to help.

The most important thing is to make a timetable and to try to stick to it. Revise in small, concentrated chunks of time with plenty of breaks, snacks, and a day off. Here is a link to the  Oaka Revision Booklet

10 top techniques techniques

Top Keble Revision Tips:

1) Start early
2) Do a small amount every day, in short chunks
3) Set yourself a goal or target for each subject
4) Reduce lots of information to key points only
5) Write flashcards
6) Put a whole topic or unit on a mind map
7) Read or say aloud and recall
8) Badger someone at home to test you
9) Be active when revising, don’t just sit and look at pages
10) Exercise and sleep well
Above all: have a positive mindset and say to yourself, I can do this!

Quizzes are also a good way to revise – both setting and answering the questions. The pupils can make their own quizzes in Google by using a Google form (they have this in the apps on the drive) as they revise, and then a few days later by testing their knowledge by completing the quiz to see what they have remembered. Attached is a video showing how to make a google quiz.

How to make a Google quiz from Google Forms

The Quizlet website is free and boys can make their own flashcards and then test themselves through games. They can use their school Google login to sign in via the Google option. The site can be found at, and some pupils are already using this site. It has also been downloaded to the iPads.

How to create my own study cards in Quizlet

Remember: start early, keep to the timetable and be active in your revision. All revision lists are posted on the parent dashboard in the Summer Term.