Year 7 enjoy the day at the Bett Show


Yesterday Year 7 went to the BETT Show (British Educational Training and Technology show) at the ExCel Centre, to find out about the latest technology available to schools. They were inspired by visits to makers of the latest robotics and VR (virtual reality) and I look forward to getting their input for future ideas for lessons.

Earlier in the year, Shaperobotics, the inventors of the Fable robot, visited the school from Denmark to work with the boys. They filmed a Year 8 lesson, which can be seen on the school video library, and which Fable are using to help other schools see the potential of robotics. Yesterday the boys were invited to play a game of Spin football to demonstrate the use of Fable to other visitors at the event. 


While at Bett the boys also took part in a competition at one stand to win a Nintendo Switch. They had to solve a series of clues to crack the lock combination to a cabinet to get to the Nintendo. All their work in developing their problem solving skills paid off, and a group of our boys walked away with the prize.

It was a fantastic day, hugely enjoyable for myself and the boys, who were a model of excellent behaviour, and were wonderful ambassadors for the school.