Sport Around the School this Week
Examples of Coordination and reaction development during dodgeball lessons
Year 5/6 enjoying the football field
Year 3 learning to compete in a fun, positive manner
Year 2 practising their passing skills
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Examples of Coordination and reaction development during dodgeball lessons
Year 5/6 enjoying the football field
Year 3 learning to compete in a fun, positive manner
Year 2 practising their passing skills
We are supporting Anti-Bullying Week and invite the boys to come to school wearing Odd Socks (socks which don’t match) on Monday 16th November.
The idea of wearing odd socks is to symbolise that we are all different and that children should be themselves, accepting of one another and to celebrate difference.
A suggested donation of £1 (or more) would be gratefully received and will be donated to a charity chosen by the boys through the student council.
The school has set up a Just Giving page for parent’s convenience at Keble Water Just Giving
The school council have chosen the Charity: Water
It’s Mission: To bring clean, safe water to people in developing countries. More information on this can be found on their website link below.
Should you wish to know more about the Anti-Bullying Alliance please visit
Thank you
Mrs Pontin
Today at Keble we held our remembrance day assembly to commemorate the occasion. I explained to the boys the meaning behind “Remembrance Day” and its origins from “Armistice Day” along with the symbol of the poppy. The Head boy Max Carman read the poem “In Flanders Field” by John McCrae and at 11am the school observed a two-minute silence in respect to all those people who have lost their lives or been affected by the wars and conflicts the UK and its allies have been involved in. All the boys were very respectful of the occasion and everyone was encouraged to reflect, during the silence, on not only the bravery of those in the past but also all the key workers and NHS staff who have been so brave fighting the current pandemic.
Mr Gill
The senior boys observing the two-minute silence as a mark of respect.
A huge thank you Keble parents for your kind and generous support. You’ve raised an amazing amount of money, at the last count we were up to around £1600. If you haven’t yet submitted your sponsor money, you still have until 20th November to donate via our Just Giving link which you can find here Just Giving Page
It was such a fun morning and so lovely to see boys and colleagues from other ‘bubbles’, albeit from a distance. It really was a whole school event, including our lovely kitchen staff, it really lifted everyone’s spirits.
With the boys and staff in bright colours, laughing and marching, it definitely brightened up a November morning with lockdown looming. Now whether we managed to all march and clap in time is another matter, but we sure had fun trying.
The main reason for this event of course was to raise money for the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust who support children and young people struggling with mental health. This is going to be a huge boost for them as most of their fundraising has stopped at a time when their support is needed the most.
We hope that the film brings a smile to your face….enjoy! We would also like to share this with CWMT. If you have any objections to this please let me know via email
Many thanks once again.
Mrs Pontin
Dear Parents
Please Could you watch the Parent Dashboard explanation video below. It takes you around the dashboard and some of the new elements added today.The dashboard is designed to be an area that you can access easily rather than having to look around the full website. We would like you to be able to use this as your primary way of accessing information. You will receive emails and SMS texts at times directing you to the dashboard.
It would be appreciated if you could watch the video to the end. If Parents could take special note of the explanation of KPSA area and new Etsy shop, the Y5 consultation evening, and the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust event on 3rd Nov that would be much appreciated and would mean all are up to speed with current events.
Please note the password for the video library page displayed in the video was changed straight after the videos completion.
This week Mr Gill was pleased to reintroduce hot lunches for all the boys each week. Mr Gill
takes us through a senior lunch.
Go to the parent dashboard to see the menus for this term
In Geography, Year 6 have been investigating coastal erosion. This week they re-created the cliffs at Walton-on-the-Naze in Plasticine. By making models, the boys could more easily visualise the different rock strata that make up the cliffs and the process of slippage that results in significant cliff retreat. Their models would not have been complete without the iconic Naze Tower – which when constructed in 1720 was 1 km from the coast and now, because of erosion, stands approximately 50 metres from the cliff edge
We announced our Head Boy and Deputy Head Boy to the senior boys. We gathered together for our assembly outside in the glorious sunshine to make the announcement. Miss Osborne was on hand to perform her last duty before she goes off on maternity leave. Congratulations to the boys on their well-deserved achievement.
Choosing a Head Boy and Deputy Head Boy is always a difficult job. All our Year 8 boys have outstanding qualities so it can be a hard decide; however, we do have three terms. We decided a long time ago to choose two boys per term. This gives some boys who are still maturing the chance to shine later in the year.
We do have to make choices though and the characteristics we are looking for are linked to our principles in many ways. It is important that those chosen strive to model these principles:
Veritas, Puritas and Probitas – or purity, honesty and decency
We are looking for:
Maturity – the ability to make good judgments and model honesty and decency in all aspects of their learning
Organisation – someone who will organise themselves and help to organise others. Year 8 have to perform many duties around the school. The ability to sort out those jobs and get the rest of Year 8 to complete them, while monitoring their progress, is very important.
Leadership skills – to organise the Year 8 team, the younger boys and help staff during key events during the year.
Motivation – the ability to inspire and motivate the school and to model excellent behaviour.
After today’s announcement, our Head Boy and Deputy Head have already made a wonderful start!</>
Mrs Fleming
During the lockdown, the Junior boys were asked to recite a poem and to perform it to their class. There have been some great performances – well done to all the boys who performed their poems with enthusiasm and lovely expression!
Elliot in 2I has wowed us all with this amazingly heart-warming video animation poem called London Lockdown!
I hope you all enjoy it as much as we have !
Mrs Ioannou
It is difficult times but Mr Gill is doing his best to keep us all smiling ! We are all very grateful.